As have many health practitioners, I’ve transitioned from on-site clinic time into ‘tele-health’ or video conferencing appointments.
Using Zoom preferably, or Facetime of Skype for our tele-health appointment, we will do an evaluation of your condition and talk about what’s been going on. For previous clients, now would be a great time to do a seasonal evaluation, Neither I, nor anyone, has all the answers for everyone. Based on my experience, and yours, the two of us will evaluate you as you are, your constitution, your activity, your life! We will keep in mind the ‘dampness’ paradigm but more importantly the intention is to customize an herbal plan that will allow you to function in your most vibrant and resilient state.
Appointments can be scheduled online, please click here for info
We can also talk about what to do not only for prevention or treatment of symptoms with Chinese herbs and diet, but also how to use modalities such as self-acupressure, meditation exercises, possibly moxa, and so on. Many of these things can help with anxiety, sleep-disorders, and just the stress of being cooped up like…rats in a cage. For right now there is potential for real psychological stress around that! In Chinese medicine, more ‘KIDNEY’ core inner strength means less FEAR (i.e: “False Evidence Appearing Real’) and more calm, less ‘fight-or-flight’ response.
Along with bulk herbs and pills, we are nicely stocked with 5:1 Taiwanese KPC herbal granules for blending custom formulas that are easy to mix and take – good compliance!
Herbs we choose can be picked up outside the office door, or drop-shipped from suppliers, or locally it’s possible they be delivered to your doorstep if you just can’t make it out.
There is a story about an old herbalist who would hang out in a restaurant with his friends, and when people came in he would just glance at them and say who they ‘were’ in terms of a formula.
So he’d say, “she is ‘Gui-pi-tang” or “he is ‘Ba-wei-di-huang-wan”, i.e. seeing and naming the person as the formula they looked like and that expressed their condition. I say this in terms of having to evaluate without being in person to do the traditional pulse diagnosis. There are other ways to tune-in (like taking a good history, and tongue diagnosis) and in my 33 years of practice I’ve had the experience to see and hear what’s going on to a good degree.
Ken Bendat, L.Ac.
P.S. As a sideline, I have studied Chinese/Vedic astrology for years, and find that it can assist certain clients in looking at longstanding health issues from a different point of view. This can be part of our session, if desired.